June 13 DIENA

Migraine and migraine treatment with intravenous therapy

Migraines are a problem that can severely damage your quality of life. Pulsating migraine pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or sound can interfere with normal life and work. Even after the main symptoms have passed, fatigue, exhaustion and reduced ability to work may continue for several days. Although migraines cannot be cured completely, severe attacks can be prevented. In this article, together with Drops Clinic Family Clinic specialists, we’ll discuss what causes migraines and how we can help you feel better when you get them.

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Migraine – what is it?

Migraines are a common and severe form of headache. Migraine pain can be so intense that it becomes impossible to live and work normally. Migraines usually present with a tingling or throbbing pain on one side of the head, and may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and hypersensitivity to light, sound or smell. Migraine attacks can last from a few hours to a few days and recur regularly. Migraines are associated with disorders of the blood vessels in the brain and changes in the functioning of the nervous system. The causes of migraine and the factors that can provoke it are varied and individual to each person. Migraines can also be characterised by changes in mood and behaviour, irritability, irritability, reduced work capacity, and symptoms may be felt for several days after the attack.

The most common types of migraine:

  • Migraine without aura is the most common type of migraine, and is characterised by intense, splitting headaches, usually on one side of the head.
  • Migraine with aura – less common and characterised by severe headache and visual, sensory or motor disturbances (numbness in the limbs, dizziness, etc).
  • Chronic migraine – diagnosed when the headaches recur for more than half the days of the month and at least 8 of them are accompanied by a severe stifling pain.
  • Ophthalmic migraine – in addition to headaches, there are also symptoms related to vision.
  • Vestibular migraine – diagnosed when the headache is accompanied by persistent severe dizziness

Signs and symptoms of migraine by phase:

Migraines usually present in four stages, each with different symptoms and intensity. Not all migraine sufferers experience all of these phases, and they can vary in duration and intensity. The phases of migraine are: prodrome, aura, attack and postdrome.

Prodrome (Alert phase)

A prodrome is the first phase of a migraine, usually starting 1-2 days or a few hours before a migraine attack. During this phase, a person may notice subtle changes in his or her mood, appetite, energy levels or physiological processes that warn of an impending migraine attack. The prodrome phase occurs in the majority of migraine sufferers, but not before every attack. Signs of the prodrome phase may include:

  • mood changes;
  • food cravings, desire to eat unusual foods;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • bloating;
  • constipation or diarrhoea;
  • stiff neck;
  • severe thirst;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • fluid accumulation;
  • frequent yawning.

The Auric period

Aura Period

The aura period is the second phase of a migraine, occurring before or during the migraine. The aura period does not happen to everyone—only about 20-30% of people who suffer from migraines experience it. Migraine without aura is a much more common type, occurring in 70% of people.

The aura period can last up to 60 minutes, but typically lasts from 5 to 20 minutes and ends before the severe headache begins. The aura period is associated with visual, speech, or sensory disturbances that arise due to changes in brain blood flow. Symptoms of the aura period can include:

  • Visual phenomena such as flashes of light, flickering, dark spots, or tunnel vision;
  • Visual impairment or loss;
  • Tingling or numbness on one side of the body;
  • Inability to speak clearly;
  • Feeling of heaviness or numbness in the hands and feet;
  • Ringing in the ears;
  • Changes in smell, taste, or touch.


The attack phase is the third and main phase of a migraine, characterized by headache. This phase can last from 4 to 72 hours and can be intense, interfering with daily activities. During the attack phase, a person becomes very sensitive to light, sound, smell, or touch and may experience nausea or vomiting. Symptoms of the attack phase can include:

  • Pain typically felt on one side of the head;
  • Throbbing headache or a pulsating sensation in the head;
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, smell, or touch;
  • Nausea or vomiting;
  • Visual disturbances;
  • General weakness.

Migraine headaches are usually felt upon waking and typically worsen with physical activity. The pain is often felt on one side of the head but can shift from one side to the other, and may also be felt throughout the head or at the front.

Postdrome (Recovery Phase)

The postdrome is the fourth and final phase of a migraine, starting after the migraine attack and lasting for several hours or days. This is the recovery period. During this phase, pain is less frequent, but the person may feel tired, exhausted, confused, and irritable. Symptoms of the postdrome phase can include:

  • Fatigue;
  • Relief or recurrence of headache;
  • Insomnia or drowsiness;
  • Mood swings;
  • Food cravings or loss of appetite;
  • Food intolerance;
  • Concentration difficulties.

Causes of Migraine

The exact causes of migraines are not fully understood, but scientists believe they are related to genetic and environmental factors. It is also thought that migraines are a disorder of brain blood vessels that cause changes in nervous system activity and the transmission of pain signals. Migraines can be influenced by hormonal changes, stress, lack of sleep, food allergies, or improper diet, and these factors can contribute to the recurrence of migraine attacks.

What Triggers a Migraine?

Migraine can be triggered by various factors that are individual to each person. These factors are known as migraine triggers, and they can cause blood vessels in the brain to constrict or dilate, leading to headache. Triggers that can cause a migraine attack include:

  • Hormonal changes – menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, use of contraceptives;
  • Anxiety, depression, emotional fatigue, and stress – emotional or physical;
  • Lack of sleep, changes in sleep patterns, oversleeping;
  • Intense physical exertion or overexertion;
  • Certain foods – chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, seafood, coffee, monosodium glutamate;
  • Alcohol – especially wine and beer;
  • Dehydration and lack of fluids in the body;
  • Changes in climate and weather conditions – sudden changes in temperature or pressure, stuffy, dry, or humid air;
  • Light – bright or flickering light, sunlight;
  • Noise – noise, music, loud sounds;
  • Smell – strong or unpleasant smells, smoke;
  • Physical exertion – sports, sex;
  • Neck or head injuries;
  • Certain medications, especially contraceptives or hormonal drugs;
  • Certain diseases – hypoglycemia, hypertension, sinusitis.

Migraine triggers are individual to each person, and they are not always easy to identify. The same factor does not always trigger a migraine. However, it is important to learn how to recognize migraines, their symptoms, and monitor your condition—keep track of your diet, sleep habits, medications, weather conditions, and pressure changes in your routine.

When to See a Doctor?

Migraine is a serious and difficult-to-control condition that requires consultation with a doctor and appropriate treatment. If you experience migraine symptoms and they interfere with your normal life and work, you should see your family doctor or a neurologist. You should also seek medical attention immediately if:

  • Migraine attacks are frequent (more than 4 times a month) or long-lasting (more than 3 days);
  • Migraine symptoms are severe or interfere with daily activities;
  • Migraine symptoms change or new symptoms appear;
  • A migraine attack starts suddenly and intensely;
  • A migraine attack is accompanied by fever, neck pain, loss of consciousness, or other serious signs;
  • Migraine headache is very severe, intolerable, or different from previous migraine attacks;
  • Headache starts after an injury;
  • Migraine attacks become more frequent or severe;
  • You are unsure if your headache is a migraine or caused by another reason.
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Migraine Treatment

While migraines themselves cannot be completely cured, the attacks and the pain they cause can be managed. The treatment for migraine pain is individualized and depends on the patient, their age, condition, and the type of migraine. Common methods for treating migraines include:

  • Prescription or over-the-counter medications for pain relief and other migraine symptoms (such as nausea or vomiting);
  • Lifestyle changes and avoidance of migraine triggers (such as certain foods, sounds, or stress);
  • Hormone therapy, if the migraine is related to hormonal changes;
  • Alternative therapies (such as meditation, acupuncture);
  • Intravenous (IV) therapy.

If you frequently experience headaches, especially those that are localized to one side of the head or are throbbing, it is recommended to consult with a family doctor or neurologist to professionally assess your condition, make an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe appropriate migraine treatment.

Migraine Treatment with Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous therapy is an effective method for managing migraine pain and other symptoms. IV therapy involves administering medication directly into a vein via an IV drip. This method allows for rapid and safe achievement of the desired medication concentration in the blood, ensuring its effectiveness. IV therapy also reduces the risk of side effects and helps avoid gastrointestinal problems. IV therapy can be used for:

  • Attack treatment: When migraine pain is severe and does not subside with standard pain medications. IV therapy can help reduce migraine headaches and nausea;
  • Preventive treatment: For frequent and difficult-to-control migraine attacks;
  • Dehydration treatment: When migraine attacks are caused by a lack of fluids in the body;
  • Vitamin and mineral supplementation: When migraines are related to nutrient deficiencies or imbalances. IV therapy can administer vitamins (e.g., B vitamins, C, E), amino acids, or minerals (e.g., magnesium, zinc, selenium) that help improve brain function and immunity;
  • Detoxification: When migraines are related to body toxicity or toxin accumulation. IV therapy can deliver antioxidants to help remove toxins from the body and restore balance.

Managing Migraines

Migraines and their symptoms can significantly reduce the quality of life, interfering with normal living and working. Migraines, characterized by throbbing and intense headaches usually felt on one side of the head, can make it difficult to perform daily activities, work, or even move. Although migraines cannot be completely cured, their attacks can be prevented by monitoring your condition and learning to recognize migraines, their symptoms, and the factors that can trigger an attack. These factors are individual to each person. For some, it might be certain foods (such as cheese or coffee), while for others, hormonal changes or even weather conditions might be the trigger.

Professional Help

When experiencing migraines, it is important not to self-medicate but to consult with medical professionals. The expert team at “Drops Clinic” is always ready to help you regain your quality of life. Our team consists of professionals with exceptional skills and qualifications, using the latest modern medical equipment. We work only with certified and globally recognized products. After listening to your complaints, wishes, and conducting thorough examinations, our professional doctors will select the most suitable treatment method for you.

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