May 16 D.

How to boost immunity: natural ways and tips

The immune system plays a defensive role in the human body, protecting it from disease and infection. However, various factors such as poor diet, stress or illness can weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of frequent illness and ill health. In this article, we will discuss what is meant by weakened immunity, what are the signs of weakened immunity, and give you tips on how to strengthen it.

What does weakened immunity mean?

The immune system is made up of white blood cells, antibodies and other components, such as lymph nodes, that protect the body from infections. A weak immune system makes you more prone to infections. Various disorders can contribute to weakened immunity; some are congenital, such as chronic diseases, while others are caused by environmental factors such as malnutrition, stress or a polluted environment.

Symptoms of weakened immunity

Signs of a weak immune system can include:

  • Frequent colds: Although it is common for adults to catch a cold 2-3 times a year and recover within a week, persistent colds or colds that persist for a long time may be a sign that your immune system is not able to cope with infections.
  • Frequent diarrhoea, gas or constipation can be a sign of a weakened immune system, as almost 70% of the immune system is located in the digestive tract, where beneficial bacteria and micro-organisms protect against infections. An imbalance of gut bacteria can increase the risk of viruses and chronic inflammation.
  • Slow-healing wounds: If your skin is slow to heal after a burn, cut or scratch, it may be a sign that your immune system is not working properly. The body relies on healthy immune cells to regenerate the skin, so if wounds are slow to heal, it may indicate a sluggish immune response.
  • Frequent infections: If you have frequent infections, it could be a sign that your immune system is sending out alarms. Increased risk can manifest itself in repeated ear, respiratory or other infections that may require antibiotic treatment.
  • Constant fatigue: If you feel tired all the time, even though you’ve had enough sleep, it could be a sign that your immune system is weakened. When the immune system is weakened, the body saves energy to fight infections, leading to chronic fatigue.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you need to take action as soon as possible to boost your immunity.

Causes of weakened immunity

The immune system can be weakened for a variety of reasons related to lifestyle, genetics or environmental factors. Poor nutrition is one of the most common causes. If the body is deficient in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, D, zinc or iron, the immune system becomes weaker and less resistant to infections. Prolonged stress also plays a role by exhausting the body and reducing the number of lymphocytes, making it harder to fight diseases. For example, people who are under a lot of stress at work or at home often complain of recurrent colds and other infections.

Other factors include sleep deprivation and lack of physical activity. Inadequate sleep prevents the body from having time to regenerate itself, which weakens immunity. In addition, low physical activity can disrupt the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which are essential for immune defence. Environmental factors such as polluted air or chemicals can directly affect the immune system. For example, people working with aggressive chemicals often suffer from recurrent respiratory diseases.

Finally, genetic factors and age also influence the state of the immune system. Older people have a naturally weakened immune system and are more likely to suffer from serious infections.

How to strengthen immunity?

Maintaining a healthy immune system is essential for maintaining good health, especially in the face of serious illnesses such as cancer. It is important to recognise and ignore myths about “miracle” immunity boosters, which often have no scientific basis. The truth is that boosting immunity requires a consistent and responsible approach, including proper nutrition, the use of certain supplements and lifestyle choices.

Natural ways to boost immunity

  • A balanced diet: Include a variety of fruit, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grain products in your diet to get all the essential nutrients to boost your immunity.
  • Sleep: Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night to give your body time to rest and recover.
  • Regular sport: Do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day to improve circulation of immune cells.
  • Hygiene: Wash your hands regularly to stop the spread of germs and reduce the risk of infections.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Maintain your weight within a healthy range to avoid conditions that can compromise the immune system.
  • Avoiding harmful habits: Avoid smoking and being around smokers as this weakens the immune system.
  • Stress reduction: Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing or yoga to reduce chronic stress levels that damage the immune system.

Myths about immunity boosting

In Lithuania, as in many other countries, there is a common belief that strong alcohol, such as spirits, consumed before meals, can improve digestion and have a positive effect on health. This belief is thought to be due to the feeling of warmth in the stomach caused by alcohol. However, the medical community does not recommend this practice. Regular consumption of strong alcohol can weaken the immune system and impair nutrient absorption. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a range of adverse health consequences, including an increased risk of infections.

Almost all cultures around the world have different beliefs about natural ways to boost immunity. Often these beliefs, passed down from generation to generation as folk “wisdom”, do not always have a scientific basis. One such belief relates to alcohol consumption.

It is therefore important to find out more about the effects of folk wisdom, consult a doctor or read scientific literature before trying it.

Vitamins to boost immunity

Vitamins are vital for maintaining a healthy and effective immune system. Drops Clinic Family Clinic offers high quality vitamins for immunity. Here are some of the vitamin cocktails recommended by Drops Clinic:

PureBoost is a vitamin cocktail that uses a combination of glutathione, vitamin C and minerals to restore harmony in the body and strengthen the immune system. It helps to neutralise free radicals, reduce inflammation, improve skin health, support muscle and nerve function and fluid balance, as well as strengthen bones and heart function.

Vitamin Energy Cocktail is a special intravenous therapy that provides a powerful burst of energy. It helps fight fatigue, improves concentration and keeps you active throughout the day. Energy Cocktail stimulates the immune system, supports the health of the nervous system, strengthens immunity, regulates muscle activity and energy levels.
These supplements are useful for those who want to strengthen their immune system, maintain energy and ensure overall health and well-being.

These supplements may be particularly useful for those who want to strengthen their immune system, maintain energy and ensure good health and well-being.

Restoring immunity after antibiotics

Taking antibiotics can unbalance the gut microbiome and weaken the immune system. After treatment, it is important to help the body restore the natural balance of bacteria and strengthen the immune response. Properly adjusted dietary habits and lifestyle changes can speed up the recovery of good bacterial populations and protect the body from further weakening. Here are some ways to help the immune system after taking antibiotics:

  • Probiotics

Probiotics help to restore the diversity of gut bacteria and reduce the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. As antibiotics can destroy probiotic bacteria, it is better to take them 4-6 hours after a dose of antibiotics.

  • Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut and kombucha contain good bacteria that help restore a healthy microflora after taking antibiotics.

  • Fibre-containing foods

Wholemeal cereals, beans, fruit and vegetables promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Take slides after a course of antibiotics as they can reduce the absorption of antibiotics into the body.

  • Probiotic Products

Prebiotics, such as polyphenols from red wine and cocoa, help good gut bacteria to grow.

Boosting immunity in oncological disease

Although the ways to strengthen the immune system are very similar to those of a healthy person, they become much more important in cancer. Oncological diseases and their treatments can severely weaken the body’s defences, which is why strengthening the immune system helps to better fight infections, improve resistance to the side effects of treatments and maintain general well-being. Adequate nutrition, physical activity, quality sleep and stress management are key factors that help patients to strengthen their immunity and improve their health during treatment.

Drops Clinic Family Clinic offers an effective OncoRevice therapy, dominated by the antioxidants glutathione and vitamin C. This therapy gives patients extra strength to fight cancer, strengthens the immune system and helps to remove toxins from the body.

Rapid immunity boost

When you need to strengthen your immunity as quickly and efficiently as possible, vitamin drips are the ideal choice. Intravenous therapy is a fast, safe and effective way to provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals. The treatment delivers the active substances directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, ensuring 100% bioavailability. As a result, the therapy works immediately and for longer than conventional supplements.

Drops Clinic offers a range of high quality supplements such as PureBoost, Energy IV, Glam Therapy and many others to help the body recover quickly and strengthen its defences. Glutathione, vitamins C and B, minerals such as magnesium and potassium, together with an electrolyte solution, provide comprehensive immune support. These supplements not only help to restore energy, but also reduce inflammation and strengthen the body’s resistance.


Strengthening your immune system is an important step in maintaining good health and warding off disease. While natural methods such as a balanced diet, adequate sleep and regular exercise are essential, sometimes it is worth opting for specialised vitamin drips for a quicker and more effective effect. Drops Clinic Family Clinic offers a wide range of intravenous therapies to help you quickly rebalance your body, boost your immunity and improve your well-being. Whether you’re battling chronic fatigue, recovering from medical treatment or simply want to strengthen your immune system’s resistance to disease, the right supplements can have a long-lasting effect and help maintain a healthy immune system.