Private gynaecological-obstetrician consultations
In the Family Clinic “Drops Clinic” Vilniuje teikiamos plataus spektro ginekologijos-akušerijos paslaugos, įskaitant moters sveikatos vertinimą, profilaktinius patikrinimus ir nėštumo stebėjimą. Gydytojai akušeriai-ginekologai atidžiai gilinasi į pacienčių poreikius, siūlydami tiek pirminės sveikatos priežiūros, tiek specializuotas paslaugas moterų reprodukcinei sistemai.
Klinikoje atliekami įvairūs tyrimai: gimdos kaklelio onkocitologiniai tepinėliai, ultragarsiniai tyrimai ir makšties išskyrų tepinėliai. Specialistai taip pat įveda ir pašalina intrauterines spirales, aptardami hormoninės spiralės kainą ir pasirinkimo galimybes. Klinika specializuojasi ginekologinėje endokrinologijoje, teikdama paslaugas susijusias su menstruacijų sutrikimais, policistiniu kiaušidžių sindromu ir endometrioze.
Siekiame, kad kiekviena moteris jaustųsi komfortiškai ir saugiai mūsų klinikoje.
Privatūs ginekologai-akušeriai Vilniuje pasiruošę konsultuoti ir rūpintis kiekvienos pacientės sveikata.

Odeta Gabrėnaitė Kazlauskienė
Obstetrician-gynaecologist Odeta Kazlauskienė specialises in preventive gynaecological examinations, consultations on benign gynaecological diseases and helps to choose the most appropriate contraceptive method.
From the time of pregnancy to childbirth, the doctor takes care of women, ensuring their safety and comfort. Her main goal is to ensure that every woman receives the information and support she needs throughout the entire healthcare process.
SERVICE | Price |
Obstetrician-gynaecologist consultation without TVE (Monday – Friday) | 80 € |
Repeat obstetrician-gynaecologist consultation without TVE (Monday – Friday) | 45 € |
Ultrasound examination of the female pelvis (TVE) | 55 € |
Fetal echoscopy | 70 € |
Fetal echocardiography (twins) | 85 € |
Brief echocardiography of a pregnant woman | 35 € |
Obstetrician-gynaecologist consultations and discussion of tests by phone | 110 € |
Intrauterine device insertion (without the cost of the spiral) | 60 € |
Intrauterine spiral removal | 35 € |
Removing a foreign body from the vagina | 40 € |
Cervical cytology (PAP) smear | 15 € |
Cervical cytology (PAP) in liquid medium | 20 € |
HPV (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68) | 36 € |
Obstetrician-gynaecologist consultation without TVE (weekends and public holidays) | 120 € |
Repeat obstetrician-gynaecologist consultation without TVE (weekends and public holidays) | 80 € |
Cervical length measurement (during pregnancy) | 25 € |
Fetal cardiotocogram | 25 € |
Microscopy of genital secretions (from the cervix) | 9 € |
Culture from the cervix | 10 € |
Vaginal culture | 10 € |
Microscopy of genital secretions (vaginal) | 9 € |
Spiral | 126 € |
Frequently asked questions
The first visit to a gynaecologist is recommended for girls between the ages of 13 and 15, or at the start of sexual intercourse.
Annual gynaecological check-ups are recommended, especially if you are on hormonal contraception or if you have chronic health problems. More frequent visits may be necessary if you are experiencing specific health problems or symptoms.
Before you visit your gynaecologist, it is a good idea to write down any questions you have, observations about your menstrual cycle, health problems or symptoms you have noticed. It is also important to rest and avoid sexual intercourse for 24 hours before the visit to make the examination as accurate as possible.
The price of a hormonal coil can vary depending on the manufacturer of the coil.
Spiral removal is carried out in the gynaecologist’s office and is usually a quick and painless process. The doctor uses a special tool to carefully remove the spiral from the uterus. After the procedure, you can return to your normal activities.
It is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse, vaginal suppositories, foams or gels for 24-48 hours before the cervical examination. It is also best not to have the test during menstruation.