
Effectiveness and study situation
INUSpheresis® is an innovative method for purifying blood plasma.
The intelligent filter system of INUSpherese® is designed to gently remove environmental toxins, autoantibodies, immune complexes and inflammatory mediators.
The therapeutic benefits of INUSpherese® lie in its ability to support the immune system and activate the body’s natural self-healing powers. It does this by effectively removing harmful substances that could otherwise stress the immune system and affect overall health.
INUSpherese® can be easily integrated into holistic medicine as it is a gentle method for blood purification. It can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches to support and strengthen the body on a holistic level.
Effectiveness and study situation
INUSpheresis® is an innovative method for purifying blood plasma.
The intelligent filter system of INUSpherese® is designed to gently remove environmental toxins, autoantibodies, immune complexes and inflammatory mediators.
How INUSpherese® works
During INUSpheresis®, the patient’s blood is drained from the body and passed through a special filter that can efficiently remove harmful substances and pro-inflammatory proteins.
During the process, the blood is broken down into its main components so that the harmful substances can be selectively removed. The healthy blood components, including vital proteins, electrolytes and antibodies, are returned to the body. This selective process distinguishes INUSpheresis® from other blood purification procedures.
During INUSpheresis®, an osmotic effect is created that makes it possible to remove pathogens not only from the blood, but also from the connective tissue, fatty tissue, nerve tissue, the eyes and all internal organs.
Difference from therapeutic apheresis
Difference from dialysis
What is filtered?
Who is INUSpheresis® not suitable for?
Safety and side effects
Despite the low side effects that INUSpheresis® brings with it compared to other invasive procedures, we are fully aware of our responsibility towards our patients. Our goal is for you to feel safe and secure throughout the entire treatment process. That’s why every INUSpheresis® is personally accompanied and monitored by Ms. Kellermann, a specialist in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. The fact that all INUSpherese® treatments are carried out under the continuous supervision of an intensive care doctor is a special feature that distinguishes ELLANN® from other centers. Because the well-being and safety of our patients are our top priority.
Process of the INUSpherese® treatment
The INUSpherese® treatment takes place in our specially equipped rooms, which are designed for optimal outpatient treatment. The therapy is carried out in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. The treatment itself is gentle and painless.
Preparation for INUSpheresis®
Before INUSpheresis® is carried out, a thorough anamnesis and diagnosis is necessary. It may be useful to check certain laboratory parameters to determine whether this therapy is recommended for you. These include classic laboratory values such as CRP, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, interleukin 16 and 8 and tumor necrosis factor. You can find out more about our laboratory standards under Diagnostics and in a personal consultation.
The day before treatment
No special preparations are required before an INUSpherese® treatment. You can eat and exercise as usual. It is recommended to drink sufficient fluids the day before treatment, ideally around 3 liters.
On the day of treatment
On the day of INUSpheresis® You are advised to have a good breakfast and stop drinking about 2 hours before treatment to avoid going to the toilet during treatment.
„Drops Clinic“ šeimos klinika Kaune
V. Putvinskio g. 50A,
LT-44211 Kaunas
I-V: 9:00 – 19:00
VI-VII: 10:00 – 15:00
+370 663 99999